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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sean / Steven Maas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @ALOO89 / Natsumii Asao
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Nasumii made 911 calls regarding someone mugging him in his apartment. So we responded to find out it was a hostage situation. At first we responded and Aloo was basically speaking for the so-called hostage-taker telling us what they were saying. Then he decided to shoot through the door at an officer which is not in the evidence but I can get my demo if needed. Then after that most of the officers left for an Officer raid but I stayed behind and tried to negotiate. After he finally opened the door I asked to see the hostage-taker. And when I did he decided to open fire on me and another officer which resulted in both of our deaths.

I believe he should be punished because he had no reason to kill us as the hostage situation as there wasn't even a hostage-taker in the first place and I believe he had no reason behind making a fake hostage sit.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Video of him shooting us:
Copied text of the excessive amount of 911 calls he was making to bait us:
Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: shit im geting mug
im hosteg
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: help he said leave projex
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: he said leave
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: he said last chanse to leave
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: dont breach
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

Emergency Call
Caller: Natsumii Asao
Message: help he shot me in leg
Caller's location: Projex Apartment 1

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Also here is the initial problem where Aloo decided to attempt to wallbang cops just when we had responded. Nothing had gone on yet so it seems to me he just thought to shoot us for no reason. This clip is before the other one. I am just trying to negotiate.

first at all you was 70% of plpd was camping at office so i make plan going to projex and call 911 saying im getting raided to get you all there but what happened at cb change my plan from raid situation to hostage bc 2 cop car was after me bc i was 12.12 - 12.11 - 6.5 so i just go to projex and start calling 911 to get you there when you all come there (tony/ @Kempotent ) said why you all her some of you shod go office i send in my org chat start raid bc all cops are her then 90% left projex and go back to office i herd 1 of you said ok sir there is 2 officers her i hope we can deal with it or something like that at the same time my org was calling for help bc 4 of us die and 1 of us was alive so i killed you 2 and go to office start kosing cop/defenders and it make us win i die after projex situation like 40min-1.20h

i shot throw the door to make it more serious so you guys take it more serious and get more cops come and my friends can escape from office

at the end the plan work and make us win in the raid
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