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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER/Woa Chow
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Daft Punk / Lacey something | Goonsberg / Ben Goonsberg | @Tomo / Dono Bonnot
His/Her SteamID: Daft Punk left before I could get it | Goonsberg = STEAM_0:0:80215125 | Tomo = STEAM_0:0:68787457
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.18 and maybe 2.1 | Goonsberg and Daft Punk stored weapons during a raid(AK-101 and M4A1), They said it was clear etc even though we were still fighting them, their flanks and cops off just 1 floor below. They may of picked drugs and stored them mid raid aswell not too sure about that, Also Daft Punk locked a door after it was recently broken into using a crowbar. Tomo broke 3.15 and 2.5 by spraying up Firuz car for no good rp reason.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tomo Spraying @Firuz132 car
Daft Punk locking the door after its been crowbared, Goonsberg and Max potentially storing mid raid
Daft Punk storing a AK-101 and Goonsberg storing a M4A1 and maybe other stuff
Tick: N/A
I mean, it sounded clear outside, the door was lockable, you crowbarred it 10 mins, door doesnt take 10mins to fix, it takes 5. We locked it when there was no shots, it sounded clear, we also stored the guns of defenders. I didnt pick any drugs up or anything, i knew that when it was over, cops confiscated drugs soooo.
As daft punk said. we locked the door, after the raid, didnt hear any foot prints/bobbys/shots so assumed the raid had been done. if you see the chat you will see us all asking if its clear. we all thought it was clear.
-Involved- Basically like Daft Punk said. We heard no more shots or anything. We closed the door and still heard nothing and so later on locked it. Guns were stored as we all thought it was clear. We heard no shots or people walking. Drugs were never pickedup I think. Didn't really pay attention to that but more to bobby's or crowbars etc.
The only drugs down was mine and that was at around 15% at the start of the raid, around when we stored, it was roughly 50%. And Ling Chew's drugs were down and was also deads.
Reason why i shot the tires was that i was making sure u dont escape from the raid area so i can kill u for raiding my dudes
and even if u were dead i had no way to know that and propably ur friends owned the keys it all decreased ur chance to escape
tho i dont see any 3.15 in that i think u might have missunderstood the rules its about not damaging ur car not somene elses car
Salt Salt
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Tomo's actions were justified and there were no issues with locking the doors. However, after people in the apartment were talking about storing the weapons, the raiders clearly said don't store, even in LOOC, and even shot bullets at you to alert you that the raid was not over. However, you continued to store the weapons. Goonsberg and @Daft Punk will both receive a warning for 3.18.

Reviewed with @SpaceShots
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