I didnt tell the medic to revive you, he just did it without seeing where I was as I was hiding round the corner reloading. I was about to tell him to stop but he revived you and I didn't want to shoot a medic for no reason, as per the rules. After I shot you again I walked away so cannot make a comment on you being revived again.
How about you calm down enough to actually fill out the AR properly. The video doesn't speak for itself because you don't actually say anything about the rules we break and all we hear is your nostrils of fury after dying on a video game, nothing about what rules you claim I broke.
It would take you 30 seconds to find mine and Code Monkey's Steam ID but in your fit of rage you can't even be bothered to help the staff members with a basic task. I wouldn't want to do ARs either if I had to deal with this shit.
Yours sincerely,
A slum dweller