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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jamie
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I say gg and move on
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42883693
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Abusing props to block a door with a chair. causing issues and rule breaks.
Evidence (Demo Required):

Jarred, the person you are reporting, was placing a chair there for god knows what reason. 10 seconds prior to this I shouted at him in org ts for it and told him to move the chair and stop acting like an idiot, in this clip you can see him have his physgun out and before being able to move the chair he was literally killed for no reason by your org member.
I agree that I should not have placed down the chair, for that I am sorry. I was trying to have a laugh with husky about something that happened 2 years ago to me. It was not my intend to cause problems or provoke aggression by blocking the door. Neither was I trying to create an unfair advantage in the shootout. I was about to move the chair away right when Nooni opened the door.

I do however fail to understand how it was my actions that caused the issues and "rulebreaks" as presented above. There was no justifiable reason for Nooni to completely gun me down as neither organisation had shown any prior aggression. It was Nooni's unnecessary and unjustifiable aggression that caused the entire situation to roll out the way it did.
@Husky I dunno about him moving it the man did have a molly on him. Personally I think he put the chair there just to block us from running out while being molly'ed. The chair shouldn't of been placed and does not give him an excuse for his actions.
Sir you can take that up with noonie. This report is for you and you blocking out door with a chair. Blocking us from exciting until your whole org pushed out and held the stairs.
@Jack Bushross Funny story, the molly was on him 20 mins before and armed. We suspected you of raiding and planned to use it against you, after we all starting shouting at each other through the floor and laughing we thought nothing was going to happen.

Upon this Jarred was explaining a situation to me in TS about a situation that occurred a year or so ago, I wasn't aware he was actually demonstrating it on your door and shouted at him for it.

Regardless, the Molotov was meant to be unequipped as we no longer suspected the raid, and the plan to Molotov you was thought of 20 minutes prior by myself. Your friend being trigger happy caused the issue here.
@Husky Again i personally blame the minge placing the chair there. if you would like to troll each other feel free dont bring others into it. As I said if you would like to report noonie take it up with him. My report is on the minge blocking us. Thank you kind sir if you could stop taking this report from the main point and take it back on track. Thank you.
@Husky Chair shouldn't of been placed there in the first place. I don't see no attempt of him moving it. I can even upload more of the clip where he dosn't move the chair at all, But only moves it a tiny bit from the door. This isnt any attempt of moving it, He could of alt+e'ed the chair and took it away. Your excuses are fucking stupid as fuck and clearly just trying to avoid it.
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