Archibalds (HyDro Killer) Refund Request

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Your in-game name: Archibald Newbold
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58837506
Reason: It was either the server crashed or my internet crashed all that happened was it came up saying connection problems and there was nothing i could do! I think it had something to do with the server as i could not connect to the website for 15 mins later either, on my laptop or my desktop computer.
Tick: Just After 94000

Note: It is a full one hour demo but this demo shows me planting them, then about 10 mins into next demo i crashed. However the next demo does not show the drugs or anything!

Extra note: The things i would like refunded are, 5 of each seed and 10 plant pots, also the couch and radio.
Connection issues are not a viable reason for refunds as they are most likely on your end and it is hard for us to determine whether it was a server fault or not. If you look through most refund requests, ones with the reason being a game crash or Internet fault are usually denied.
Well thats just a Tad annoying because i cant even afford to do another Big plant...
Denied Problems like that are Clien side, the last tim the server crashed was ages ago. The last DDoS attack was also a month ago. We are sorry if you lost things due to your internet connection.
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