Askastas Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson
How long were you banned for: 3 Days

Your Steam Name
: [NOS] Askasta
Your In-game Name: Anton Prukavic
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82185287
Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.20 Scammed a player in roleplay, when cops catched up to him he decided to disconnect to not get the 350K he scammed from another user taken away
Why should this appeal be considered: First i did not scam him. I was running a Casino with the rule "pre roll = loose" it was visible in the middle of my shop. The User in this case just went far away from my shop and pre rolled and i still received the message that he roll spammed. If you check the chat logs around that time i was banned by like 30 mins back. You can see that he spammend the whole chat with rolls. So at first i let that slide cause he was doing low bets anyways but then he bet 200k and before that he pre rolled and spammed my chat away with that. So he was going under and won by roll after i picked up the money. I Told him that he "won" my last money but ditched off making some weird sound similar to peter griffing laugh. Later over OOC i told him that he lost because he was doing pre rolls. While that i was gone for like 30 mins driving around the city. Later i went AFK and hide in city garage second stage and i went quite long afk. I then decided to close my garrys mod. Before doing that i opened it and saw that none was at my car and i was still alone so i though its okey for me to disconnect.

The User in this case was told multiple times that he lost because of pre rolling and suddenly others joined in OOC war with him telling me to give money back eventho they arent even involved or were there at that time. So i belive that multiple people influnced the moderator making it look like i scammed him and i wasnt able to defend my position and got banned directly.

Additional Comment(s):
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I didnt even know that cops catched up to me. Also the amount of money in that reason is a lie. He bet 200k and practically won 400k. They just wanted me to agree to give 350k back. Even that amount is a lie and the moderator in that case understood it wrong. Like i said around me was none so i left i didnt see anyone catched up to me
I mean, if you just gave the money back, I don't see an issue with u getting unbanned

The money was indeed not scammed, the reporter has already admitted to that, you still left though. Therefor you will be unbanned. Be more careful in the future and make sure nothing is going on.
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