At Ease

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When there is a gun in your hands, it is always in a 'ready stance', already being aimed and ready to go; it shouldn't always be like this:

It should be like this by default:

Perhaps you should have to use your iron sight to be able to start aiming and firing the gun.
Perhaps, as well as being able to sue the iron sight, hold-down E, for example, to aim and shoot 'from the hip'.
I don't think that forcing the player to use his sights be a good solution. Maybe add a small animation rising the gun before you could fire? 0.5/0.25 seconds?
Gix;n2302 said:
I don't think that forcing the player to use his sights be a good solution.

I see your point, and do agree with you, but the player also shouldn't be forced to aim their weapon when it's in their hands. There would need to be an easily accessible toggle somewhere to switch between being 'at ease' and aiming.

Gix;n2302 said:
Maybe add a small animation rising the gun before you could fire? 0.5/0.25 seconds?

That would also be a good addition; see:
Luke said:
Gix;n2302 said:
I don't think that forcing the player to use his sights be a good solution.

I see your point, and do agree with you, but the player also shouldn't be forced to aim their weapon when it's in their hands. There would need to be an easily accessible toggle somewhere to switch between being 'at ease' and aiming.

Gix;n2302 said:
Maybe add a small animation rising the gun before you could fire? 0.5/0.25 seconds?

That would also be a good addition; see:
I like it
I'm writing this cause the system requires me to write more than 10 characters.
The difference between using and not using iron sights is non-existent at the moment. I was told that it will be worked on soon enough, and accuracy will finally be thing. However, as it is currently, there is not weapon in the game that has 100% accuracy on the first shot, using or not using iron sights. If you know the center of your screen, you can unbind MOUSE2, essentially.

When accuracy becomes a thing finally, this idea would definitely remove a level of skill that would be necessary in shooting.

I feel like an at ease stance when not aiming, not allowing you to shoot, would take away from RP. If you had a pistol and were standing right before your mugger, you wouldn't take the time to aim down the sights to kill him, you would shoot like mad and run away as fast as you could.

I really don't like this idea. It would make firearms unusable in many situations.
@camel I don't think you fully grasped the concept of this.

I can report that this is being worked on in a sense, to where there is a passive stance and an attack stance. To toggle between players will hold their use button (default E) and press the attack button (default Left Mouse Button). The reason that this is important is because right now if you simply want to have your gun out and ready to draw you must have it out and aimed at all times, this looks rather bad and can be misinterpreted by police if witnessed. Adding it so that players can put the gun down at their side while not using will be important later on when guns are changed so that it is limited how many you can carry. Allowing you to carry the gun not on your back but in your hands since taking it off your back will then take time, while pulling it up from the side is much faster. Also you are less likely to mug someone that you can see a pistol in their hands than one that either does not have one or has it concealed. Since even though it is not against the rules to pull a gun out if it is equipped already and RPed properly while being mugged, it seems rather ridiculous how fast someone can pull a gun from a concealed location to firing. So if someone had it in their hand they would be able to pull it up and open fire rather fast, while if it were still hidden in their belt line, it would still take a second or two to draw it out making pulling a gun out during a mugging a more daunting aspect. Overall this should help roleplay and general gun handling situations.

P.S. Shooting from the hip is different than ironsights, and when the gun is at a passive stance, you are not able to fire at all, effectively being like a safety.
Yes, I'm aware of there being three states, essentially. The way Luke introduced it, however, gave the implication that there would be only two states (hence my post), a control that is binary: MOUSE2 clicked; MOUSE2 not clicked. Your clarification makes much more sense.
As an added note, I was responding to the original post, Luke. I missed your later post suggesting the Hold-E method.
Yes, or maybe when you use "E + LftClk" is puts it to the side like the screen shot
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