Suggestion Title: Atm robberies
Suggestion Description: You and your crew come to a atm machine blow the atm up with explosives grab the cash and ride away
Why should this be added?:
I think that it would be cool to add this new robbery because the old criminal activities are getting kind of boring. So car stealing raiding etc are getting kinda boring i have 6 days on the server and for me its getting boring. And i think that it would be cool to add a new kind of robbery who pays decently
What negatives could this have?:
- that it happens to often
- it it would be to hard
- and you get killed if your in the area
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -Cooldown of 2 atm’s per hour
-The atm explodes you take the money so no longer than 1 min
-That you get a notification that you are in a area of a atm robbery
Suggestion Description: You and your crew come to a atm machine blow the atm up with explosives grab the cash and ride away
Why should this be added?:
I think that it would be cool to add this new robbery because the old criminal activities are getting kind of boring. So car stealing raiding etc are getting kinda boring i have 6 days on the server and for me its getting boring. And i think that it would be cool to add a new kind of robbery who pays decently
What negatives could this have?:
- that it happens to often
- it it would be to hard
- and you get killed if your in the area
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -Cooldown of 2 atm’s per hour
-The atm explodes you take the money so no longer than 1 min
-That you get a notification that you are in a area of a atm robbery