Atomic's Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
The civil war of Somalia
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: RoyHB (extended by bolli?)
How long were you banned for: perma

Your Steam Name: Atomic
Your In-game Name: IDK what it was at the time of being banned probs Dylan Fielding
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:142834053

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Mass RDM
Why should this appeal be considered: Honestly, I really want to come back to perp and see what its like now I regret the fact that I Massrdmed and it was a stupid thing that I shouldn’t have done. It has been almost 3 months from when I took the stupid decision to massRDM and I would like to apologise to the people that I killed whilst doing this and would also like to apologise for negatively effecting your gameplay. I would also like to apologise to RoyHB for wasting your time during the admin sit as I was just being an absolute minge during the sit. Rather than me listening to you I was just trying to waste as much time as possible. I would really like to come back and have some fun on the server again and hope that you will accept my apology.
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