Audi TT

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United Kingdom
Discussion Post: (The discussion didn't really get any replies but it still got loads of agrees.)

Main Idea: Add two more seats to the Audi TT as at the moment it has two un-usable seats.

Full description of the idea: The other day I realized that the Audi has 2 more seats in the back that aren't usable even though they have seatbelt plugs and all that. This may be the case with a lot of cars but some of the reasons for other cars is that they are too fast to have more seat's. But to be honest the Audi TT is not really that fast so I don't see why it shouldn't have 4 seats instead of two.

Why should it be added?: It should be added because it doesn't make sense to have 2 seats in the back of a car that cant be used.

  • More seats for the Audi TT
  • Makes the car look realistic
  • Might be a bit over powered

*Other additions: None

Have you ever tried sitting in one of these seats? I have and I was 186cm when i did and honestly it was the most painful time of My life

For the People who dont understand the point of My post, what i mean is that it isnt really possible to sit in the backseat of the car unless you're like 10
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Well it is true what Daymon has said but Perp isn't an exact simulation of life which means that not everything has to be the same as life. So I still think this should be added.
I personnaly think this should gets added as although its really uncomfortable for tall people but its still possible so why not?

While we are at it maybe fix the 458 texture bug as TDM themselves fixed it allready and would only require a quick server update? correct me if im wrong...
Would fit for most of the people on here then, however i really believe this should be added.

But also i've seen Audi TTs with only two seats in real life, this might be a modelling error? I'm not sure, however as there is 4 seats and PERP is not exactly "real life" so it would not really make a difference if the seats are small or big in my opinion.

I also do not believe it would be overpowered in anyway

+ Support
*phone can't comment

There are several models of the Audi TT, that's why some have 2 seats irl and such.
If the seats are there then the car should hold 4 people and not 2. Its realistic and the seats shouldn't be there if you can't sit in them. Oh and for all the 'but its uncomfortable' if you sit in the back, well try stuffing 4 big black dudes in a old school mini and see how well that goes. Pftt. +support

I have read forum rule 2.4, deleting or editing my post is unethical and against the code of love. If minilarro could not touch it that be great, thank you.
I'm pretty sure any owner, of a car that has the two seat function but 4/5 seat model, will support any suggestion that will benefit them. I have the same problem with my Nissan GTR, there is definitely backseats but no function. I think it's more for game balance than accidental.
This car got designed to be a "Sport car" which the back 2 seats are useless , you cant even sit in there ... accually you can but its going to hurt your legs and your sit wont be comfortable
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