
Reaction score
@ayjay is one of the best staff members we have on the server. Always positive, responding to tickets and eager to help. For some reason, every time I create an f6 report ayjay or Brinch respond to it. I honestly did not talk ti ayjay that many times. But by judging him on how he behaves and acts while staffing. I can tell you he is a great staff member. Keep the hard work man <3
of course hes a right geeza hes from leeds
i'd let ayjay tickle my nutsack and not many people get that chance
Oh no not ayyjay he always call for pickup at hicktown and if i come, he let my car stuck in the water so i have to stuck aswell.
Never let yayayay drive and never at hicktown! fudkd nIDIOT!
Ayjay is a very nice lad and has imo proved himself after his community wide unban, he's a gucci CoD and hope it can stay like that for a while as he does his work with honesty and dedication.

Sure, he banned me and we had our small beef but that was because I was a salty little fuck and got over it in some days, it would be childish of me to still hold a grudge against him as it's a thing of the past now and it's just a fkin ban on some roleplay server. Please forgive him and scrap my complaint, thanks @MrLewis

big ups
In my opinion AyJay should be euthanised