Ban Apology (A1L)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Lewis
Your Roleplay Name: Glen Weenis
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:85035916

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 4.1 - Can't role-play as a police officer, driving on the wrong side of the road, crashing into a paramedic, speeding and then crashing into a pole and then finishing off a civilian for no reason at all, won't listen in the admin sit either. In another situation, officer finished off an unconscious suspect.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm fairly new to the server, only having around 4-5 hours. So I'm still trying to learn the rules a bit, towards the end of my session my driving and general knowledge of the server had become a bit better. With the killing of an unconscious suspect, I thought he was already dead. However, I only finished off one person, not two as the ban would suggest. The ban has also been changed from a 2 week to a 1 month ban a couple days later.

I originally asked the admin in the admin sit (I don't know if A1L is the same admin as the one I was with in the sit, because it may have changed when the ban was updated to a 1 month ban) what I did and I didn't understand entirely what he meant. But I assume his patience wasn't there that day (understandable to be honest), so this meant I didn't really get to defend or dispute what I had done. Instead I just got slapped with a 2 week ban which then turned into a 1 month.

I do apologise for my lack of good roleplay and I do apologise to the admin for asking too many times what I had done. I will try my best to do better next time.


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United Kingdom
The actual admin sit was about you finishing me off when I was ran over, you were speeding all over the place and wrecked your own vehicle, I had no patience with you, everytime I explained to you what you were on the roof for, you were like oh so it's for the tickets? And then I explained to you again and you said the same thing, then after when I was checking internal affairs complaints, I could see you also finished off another player as an officer hence why your ban was extended

You finishing me off:

You finishing off a suspect at the market:
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