External Appeals
- Messages
- 331
- Reaction score
- 9
- Points
- 0
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: (head, eyes)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent
Your Steam Name: Maszpecha
Your Roleplay Name: Szary Dope
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590958459
Why were you banned/blacklisted?: CWB
Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Perpheads staff and whoever is reading this appeal, and it figured out my actions,i also did parts of that appeal
1st part : Apology to Dom_(Head;eyes)
I want sincerely apologize for my behaviour in the past,it was disrespectfull and outraceous,the things i said towards Dom's mom were horrible and childlish and i apologize for it very sincerely. Dom didnt deserved any of those words,he just did his work by banning me for my DOX threats towards players and then i start being upset even if he accepted my apology and im feeling that i was definetly wrong in that situation.Later my friends told and explained me that i was wrong and i removed the bio from my discord.Now i see my friends playing perp everyday and i see that they having a lot of fun on it.
2nd part : Why i wanna return to server
I really wanna return to server because i wanna return to that community,to forums,discord,teamspeak,garrysmod and others. I see clips about perp everyday and i watch them fully,from my friends,metal and youtube and i really like them. If i return to perp i wont be toxic because since the situation happened with me and Dom i changed my character in a better way,im not homophobic,racist and a stupid kid. I will return and i will enjoy that fully,and i will try not to break any rules.
Second,why i wanna return to perp because i've seen all the updates that happened on perp and i realy like them,great work guys you try to keep the server better and you guys doing it very good.
3rd part : Apology to my friends
Im sorry to the friends i threatened to hack them (My originally ban reason was DOX Threats) . I wasnt going to hack u or something like that,i said that as a joke,but that joke went too far,and now i readed all rules from 1. Basic conduct rules to 6.2 Third party tools. I have readed them fully and i know them very good
4th part : Conclusion
As a conclusion i want to say Congrats to new enforcers,promotions to moderators & Senior moderators,very nice work guys well done. Also congrats to helpers and senior helpers lets not forget about them : ) . I wish everyone a nice day and i hope that staff will take this appeal seriously. Honestly,i dont think that i will get unbanned atleast to lower my ban from permanent . Thanks everyone
Best Regards,
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: (head, eyes)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent
Your Steam Name: Maszpecha
Your Roleplay Name: Szary Dope
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590958459
Why were you banned/blacklisted?: CWB
Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Perpheads staff and whoever is reading this appeal, and it figured out my actions,i also did parts of that appeal
1st part : Apology to Dom_(Head;eyes)
I want sincerely apologize for my behaviour in the past,it was disrespectfull and outraceous,the things i said towards Dom's mom were horrible and childlish and i apologize for it very sincerely. Dom didnt deserved any of those words,he just did his work by banning me for my DOX threats towards players and then i start being upset even if he accepted my apology and im feeling that i was definetly wrong in that situation.Later my friends told and explained me that i was wrong and i removed the bio from my discord.Now i see my friends playing perp everyday and i see that they having a lot of fun on it.
2nd part : Why i wanna return to server
I really wanna return to server because i wanna return to that community,to forums,discord,teamspeak,garrysmod and others. I see clips about perp everyday and i watch them fully,from my friends,metal and youtube and i really like them. If i return to perp i wont be toxic because since the situation happened with me and Dom i changed my character in a better way,im not homophobic,racist and a stupid kid. I will return and i will enjoy that fully,and i will try not to break any rules.
Second,why i wanna return to perp because i've seen all the updates that happened on perp and i realy like them,great work guys you try to keep the server better and you guys doing it very good.
3rd part : Apology to my friends
Im sorry to the friends i threatened to hack them (My originally ban reason was DOX Threats) . I wasnt going to hack u or something like that,i said that as a joke,but that joke went too far,and now i readed all rules from 1. Basic conduct rules to 6.2 Third party tools. I have readed them fully and i know them very good
4th part : Conclusion
As a conclusion i want to say Congrats to new enforcers,promotions to moderators & Senior moderators,very nice work guys well done. Also congrats to helpers and senior helpers lets not forget about them : ) . I wish everyone a nice day and i hope that staff will take this appeal seriously. Honestly,i dont think that i will get unbanned atleast to lower my ban from permanent . Thanks everyone
Best Regards,
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