Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Wesscot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: OGthesnack
Your Roleplay Name: Joshua Anderson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51706023

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Saying a RACIAL slur aka 'Nikka'

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well, I am a new player, who has been loving the gamemode since I got here from a friend recommending it and we made a gang and everything and the server has been fun and something I have been looking forward to. I do apologize for saying 'Nikka' but as many people know I am a Black guy and I've been on other RP servers such as 'MRP' which I made custom gangs and it's just a RP thing I said it ONCE someone random told me not to say that I said 'Okay' and then I went on my way. When I'm back RPing with my friends like 30-40 minutes later I get banned out of nowhere with no sit no admin talking to me. Then I had to wait till my account got approved to type out this appeal. I really do think this is a misunderstanding because I am black, and I cannot be racist against black people. Also, I Aswell understand why language like that isn't allowed and I believe if I get a second chance, I can get used to it. Also 'Nikka' is not a racial slur its a slang in my part of the world not to be confused with 'Nigga' and I wasn't made aware that this type of slang which is a different thing to the whole other word was not allowed never talked to never warned nothing, I said it then like 40 minutes later I was banned with no SIT no asking or anything so I would appreciate to be unbanned so I can play with my friends I believe if I was brought and spoken to that would be a better resolution than just banning me without a word or anything in that situation I could of refrained from saying anything of the sort, But I do believe this can be resolved. Thanks for reading this.

Additional Information: I was not talked to or anything or even taken to a sit before I was banned.
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