Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Dyziook
Your Roleplay Name: Devv Scar
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101936560

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Community wide ban for circumventing communication ban // Alt for

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Perpheads Staff,

I hope this apology finds you well. I'm writing to express how sincerely sorry I am for my actions that led to my ban from your server. Specifically, I want to address the fact that I not only used an alternate account, which I now understand is against the rules, but also lied to your staff (A1L) when I was confronted about it. The very idea that I thought I could deceive you is reason enough to be banned. I deeply regret both of these actions and the impact they had on the members of the Perp community.

While using the account "maxogames3" (, I made some poor decisions that resulted in my permanent ban. Eager to return to the game after a few months, I made the mistake of creating a new account under the name "Dyziook; Devv Scar," not realizing at the time that this was against the rules.

As I spent more time playing on the new account, I began to understand the community guidelines better and the importance of following them. Unfortunately, I let my behavior slip again, which led to another permanent ban due to inappropriate language. Once I learned about the appeal process, I decided to seek leniency, and my ban was kindly reduced to a one-month suspension (

Regrettably, I made things worse by trying to hide the fact that I had created an alternate account. I was afraid of losing access to a game that I love, and in that fear, I wasn’t honest from the start, which I deeply regret.

I understand that honesty and trust are fundamental to maintaining a healthy and positive environment on the server. By lying about my actions, I violated that trust and disrespected your staff, who work hard to keep the server enjoyable. My behavior was wrong, and I take full responsibility for it. Please understand that I have waited the better part of a year to redo my apology, as I’ve taken the time to improve myself and gain a better understanding of the server rules. At the time, I made a series of poor decisions—from using foul language and exhibiting disgusting behavior toward the community to lying to staff about my use of an alternate account. I realize now that this only made the situation worse and undermined any chance I had at redemption. I want to once again express my sincere apologies for this and for any and all disruption and harm I caused.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my appeal. I hope you can consider giving me a final chance to prove that I can learn from my mistakes and contribute positively to the community.

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