Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: ChefL
Your Roleplay Name: Rodney Douglas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81220923

Why were you punished?: Racism / Homophobia

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'd like to start this out by getting to the point which I will be expanding on which is I'm really, genuinely sorry. I understand now that you have a business to run which wholly relies on a consistent, quality player base. And players who work against that community that has been cultured over the years will crush it, wither it, and eventually result in an empty server. I was behaving as one of these players, and I realize that now, and how it wasn't just simply "roleplaying" to use discriminatory language, but has much larger implications on the thing I enjoy: this server. In retrospect, it was short-sighted, wrong, crude, rude, extremely offensive and an act against the community, enjoyment and fun I personally receive from playing on this server, as well as against the other many players who enjoy it with me and contribute to my and other's enjoyment and fun. I would also like to mention, for context's sake, and I hope this does not come across as an excuse but simply maybe some perspective, that I come from playing on another DarkRP server "Monolith" which I put around 1500 hours into. I played on that server throughout my youth and obviously enjoyed it a ton as shown by my invested hours. Dialogue such as what caused me to receive this ban was some-what allowed on this server. It was allowed as it could be explained as contributing to roleplay, but as I mentioned earlier, that this type of dialogue would hurt such a thriving community, I was left to find another DarkRP server since Monolith has no more than 2 or 3 players on at a time.

This was only my second day to play on this server. Yesterday, the first day, me and my 7 other real life friends spent an upwards of 12 hours each playing just on that one day. And I can say, and one of the other friends who I spent most of that 1500 hours with on monolith can say, this was the most fun we had on DarkRP and honestly a video game in a long time. I know this is irrelevant, but I can't help but mention that 4-5 hours of that time was spent with me and the 7 other friends just sitting in the stairwell of our apartment bantering while we harvested and regrew our marijuana with the occasional police raid and hilarious encounter with neighbors or passerby-ers. I guess my point in mentioning this was to provide some insight into why I very really, deeply and genuinely regret saying any of those words as it is those small, seemingly trivial and useless experiences that really last forever in memory and make someone fall in love playing a game like this.

I will also say, which might hurt me in my chances of being granted an unban, that I am American, from the South, Texas specifically, and that dialogue such as this, which is not necessarily approved to be yelled from the roof tops, is more generally accepted and paid no mind to. In our friend groups it is generally accepted and allowed to use these words in banter, but that is no excuse. I do not go to the grocery store and say these words to strangers so I shouldn't here.
Again, I really do realize now that my actions aren't simply just offensive to just the individual I make them against, but it is also an act against the quality and longevity of the server and entire player base. It was stupid and ignorant of me to do such things. I hope I have conveyed to you, the reader, that I am not simply trying to lay out a sob story or give empty apologies, but do realize the greater extent of what my small, minuscule, mostly irrelevant actions can have. I hope this reaches you all well and that you will consider granting me an unban and accepting my appeal. Thank you for reading

Additional Information: I have had 648 hours to think about what happened, to think about how much I would like to join my friends in playing on this server. I deeply regret my actions and I sincerely apologize. I hope that my ban can be lowered from permanent, as this incident will NEVER happen again.