Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: 2766
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Smiff
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35074350

Why were you punished?: Cheating / Exploiting

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello staff team. Lately I have been missing playing PERP and I regret my actions that caused my ban. Because of this I am choosing to write a ban apology.

My ban was obviously completely justified as I was caught cheating so my argument for why you should consider my unban is that I have now been banned for atleast almost 1 1/2 year. When I exploited the viewmodel script I already knew that it was an unfair advantage but I think my association with the people I played PERP with during the time and certain other factors made me think that it wasn't such a big deal that I was doing it because I knew others were too. After being banned from the server and having to take time away from it I have been able to gain another perspective on the community and I feel I no longer neglect other players experience on the server. I was caught with this strong us versus them mentality against the staff team and certain players on the server which made me justify my actions in many situations. I have moved on from this thanks to my ban forcing me to take time away from the server and I am now able to see that I need to be more respectful of others on the server. I was quite an ass at times previously which created a toxic environment for the people that interacted with me. This is something I am now aware of and that I will not do in the future.

I take responsibility for my actions and I wanna apologise for the distress and time wasted that I've caused.

Additional Information: I'd like to reiterate my apologies for my behavior to Shay, Double J, Draxen, MalekisWeird, Efan, Curak and Tinyslayer. I feel I have often gotten in to altercations with you and was many times very disrespectful and caused a lot of unnecessary grief.

As I stated I know that I could be very toxic at times and I hoping that you can trust that I will not act that way if you unban me. I realise you may not believe me but I have really changed my perspective on the server and also become more mindful of my own actions. I hope I can get the chance to show that.

Thanks for reading.
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