Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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scambans, banned.
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Months

Your Steam Name: Leqq
Your Roleplay Name: Jamie Dyett
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User decided to approach me after receiving warning shots at his vehicle due to consistently following us around with a valid reason of initiation towards us. After this, he was gunpointed out of the car so it could be stolen which would also delay his retaliation. During this process, a shootout engaged involving police and he thought that because one of us was focused on the police, he would have a chance of jumping in his car and escaping while it was being crowbarred. Absolutely awful record for 3.4.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I apologize for breaking the rule 3.4

I do not know what got into my head to randomly run to my car, try to somehow get away from two armed man, standing next to me. I was even warned by A1L not to get in the car, which I foolishly ignored.
This could have been a good roleplay scenario that I screwed up for every active player in the situation, including myself. I also figured out that I was risking nothing, as I had no weapons or anything important on me.

I have thought about my behaviour and will this not occur again in the future

I am very disappointed that I made this choice by stepping in the car, which could have been avoided effortlessly by just being mindful. I would have known that stepping inside the car would lead to only more problems, unnecessary problems.

Also am I tired of breaking this rule and the experience of other players. That’s why I look out to be back in the future, without recklessly making the same mistakes again and again.

apologies to Aquaa and A1L.

Additional Information: I made sure to mind the rule more by reading Rule 3.4 - General Guidelines, as it gives me a clear picture of the meaning 3.4 and how to avoid violating it.

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It goes without saying that if you are caught breaking 3.4 again you're being banned for longer with no chance of appeal.
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