Ban Apology (Auston)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Auston
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Valurim
Your Roleplay Name: Luciano Valachi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154568770

Why were you punished?: 2.5 - Shot and killed a player over a few punches

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, I understand the actions stated in regards to my ban were unacceptable and disappointing from a player with my experience. I am not here to defend myself/excuse my actions. All I will say is what I had done within hours of that ban that I see as penitence for my ban.

Firstly I would like to apologize how I handled the situation, I do believe it was an extreme measure of "self defense" or rather defending my new player friend. The altercation occurred due to an overtaking on the road of another driver. They came to a stop and the opposing driver stepped out his vehicle and decided the best way to solve the situation was to punch my friend, it was not joking punches in a sarcastic roleplay situation. He had intent to kill my friend, whether this perception was wrong or not, it was at the time what I interpreted to be the best course of action to eliminate the threat. Could I have rather gun pointed him to stop? Absolutely, I understand how that may have affected his gameplay experience and deeply apologize for the harsh action, though the action is not retractable and has been done I extend my apologies to the breaking of the rules and disregard for negative effects upon other players experience playing the game.

In regards to my “penitence” for my ban, earlier that day I took the same friend under my wing (a new player), taught him the ins and outs of defenses and raiders, growing techniques and so forth, though I do not believe this is a justifying reason to retract my ban, I still would request you view over my apology and consider all that I have said.

You may be thinking why is this guy so invested over a three day ban? My partner of the org we run will be away the following week, and soon after will be leaving the States to visit Europe, playing with my friends on this server is one of the most enjoyable moments I look forward to almost each day, in fact this game is what has helped me through some hard times, as silly as it may seem. Sometimes you need something to distract you from other events. Please do not perceive this as an appeal to emotion, I simply am stating what you all and this server means and has done for me. Thank you for your time, God bless.

I appreciate the apology, however you have a very long history of similar rule breaks and frankly 3 days was probably me being way too easy on you. The ban will stand and you will be back on the server in no time.