Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Mr_Lumberton
Your Roleplay Name: Robert Lumber
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:801631282

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - user failed to comply with gunpoint of 3 officers, while being arrested by cops user was being led down the stairs, after shots were being fired by an for sure happening PD raid due to certain people getting arrested, instead of choosing for safety, the user decided to run towards the shootout and say " i wonder what is going on" continuing upstairs while 3 separate officers kept yelling at him to go down, risked the safety of all three officers resulting in him getting shot over it for endangering the officers lives in a shootout

Why should this appeal be considered?: Firstly, I would like to apologise for breaking 3.4. I should know better considering my previous ban for 3.4 but in this situation I got carried away. However, that doesn't excuse my actions. Sorry. Although, I would like to try my chances at a ban apology as I do love this server and have been playing it loads recently, almost every day for the past couple weeks now. It is the only game I play at the moment actually.

Whilst I do agree I broke 3.4 via running towards potential danger, I didn't think I had to comply under gunpoint from the police officers as I was in handcuffs(thus couldn't attack any of the police officers) and there were 3 officers around me at the time(making me believe one of them could start to drag me whilst the others gave them cover). Also when I ran up the stairs I believed that a cop would start to drag me down the stairs so didn't expect to run far; I could say that I would have stopped if I saw gunfire but that's redundant at this point. I am aware that the more bans you accumulate, the harsher they get but I believe that 1 week is too harsh considering my last ban was 4 months ago and I have gained around 21 days playtime on the server since then.

Finally, what I am asking for is not a complete wipe of my ban but a decrease in the duration of my ban as I do believe I broke 3.4 by running towards a potential pd raid, however I have gained a substantial amount of playtime since then and I have been in many situations involving being held under gunpoint and I have not broke 3.4. I have also served slightly under half of my ban duration already.

Thanks for reading my ban apology. No matter what comes out of this, I will work harder to not break 3.4 in the future.

Additional Information: I was shot when I didn't comply under gunpoint by the mod who banned me so I also apologise for making a report because of that as I soon found out it was a mis click. Also I know this isn't important but people get unbanned if they are viewed as a beneficial part of the community, so I would like to add that I am one of the most active players in my org so if my ban appeal were to be accepted, it wouldn't only benefit me but the 17 other players in my org. Once again, thanks for reading my ban apology.
Reaction score

I suggest you value your life more next time by not running towards a shootout and listening to cops to not put their life at threat.
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