Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Dembler
Your Roleplay Name: Gorbals Cumbie
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:111035565

Why were you punished?: i was banned for : User killed another player for no justifiable reason and disconnected while unconscious, furthermore mugged people in public and shot at another user for no reason, not here to roleplay.

Why should this appeal be considered?: the first time i killed somemone was because they kept harassing me and hitting me for money, this went on for more than 30 mins and i told them many times to stop. they attacked me, got me low so i shot them. other people also saw this but it seems to be too late to get them now. i think well within roleplay terms here, however i do recognise that killing people can be toxic when done not in a role play setting but i do think this was a reasonable use of force. i also did not intentonally disconect, my game crashed and took to long to boot back up so i just went off my pc all together. i do know that you are meant to wait to be revived so i am sorry that happened however please do not think i done this intentionally. i was told by someone that mugging is a good way to earn money in a fun way on the server, i did not know that there was a "muggers map" that had certian spots i had to do it on. someone actually stopped me and told me that dureing the muggiing and when i knew about this infomration i put my gun away and stopped the mugging, so i think that is pretty unfair to be punished for that. the last guy i shot was circling my friend so we ran up to "jump them" since we thought we could role play as gangsters (as we have done in other servers) this player also killed me during our altercation and i thought that was fair enough and no reason to take further action. i am osrry he felt the other way.

to conclude, i am really starting to enjoy this server and i would like to keep playing. i do recognise that i could have broken some rules in killing people and mugging at the wrong place, and for that i truly am sorry. if i must be punished for this i understand but i think 3 months is a bit too long. at the very least i hope we can have a discussion on the matter andmaybe you could help me see your reasoning a bit better

Additional Information: i am Dembler on discord if you would like to have discussion about ban
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