Ban Apology (Bnjemann)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Bnjemann
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Squizid
Your Roleplay Name: David Cook
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:221380066

Why were you punished?: 2.5: Using molotovs inside of several bases, destroying player items to remove DNA.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello! to start of,

I never knew that using Molotov's during raids to destroy DNA was banned, as I've seen it happening before.
If I would've known that this was banned I would have never done it, In addition to that I was unaware that molotov cocktail would also destroy props. Therefore, I am willing to also pay for the damage personally in any way possible and I apologise to the people that where effected by my use of the Molotov cocktail.

The only reason why I used the Molotov cocktail was to destroy DNA as mentioned before, I did not use it to get revenge or to purposely destroy people's props (As I was unaware of the damage it could cause.) And I was not being overly negative towards players intentionally.

I sincerely apologise and I hope to possibly have my ban shortened and to possibly repay the people who's property I damaged as I truly did not mean to cause this harm.

I hope this ban appeal is considered, or at lease comes as an apology to the people who were effected by my use of it.

Kind regards,

Squizid (David Cook)
To add on,

I would like to note that in regards to my previous ban, which was for 6 months was in a period of time when I was not acting in an
appropriate manner. And since I have started to make sure to abide by all rules and display myself appropriately and I have worked on making
sure I follow all the rules as best as possible.

Even if this appeal gets denied I still hope I can in some way reimburse the effected people to make it up, and I again apologise!


Squizid (David Cook)

Reduced to 1 week as you were sincere and offered to refund the players.

If you're burning bodies, dont do it inside of properties or where the fire will spread.