Ban Apology (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: siebe
Your Roleplay Name: don't remember
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80959287

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: we got accused of metagaming

Why should this appeal be considered?: We didn't know every rule of the server and had been playing for a week we got informed of many things in that time so we just thought we could go on like that after we suddenly got accused of metagaming in the middle of a report of a serious rdm thing that happened to us we just wanted to stay on topic when the admin in question ignored the entire hour long explation we were giving got ignored with so much effort into finally getting some good luck on our side it still wasn't enough and now something entirely else but now we were suddenly informed we couldn't even talk to eachother whilst playing a game and then after discussing it with another admin on a rooftop he said the explain why so i did and then he said"so as i was saying" and then totally ignored me after i gave my point

in conclusion yes we didn't know we weren't supposed to meta game

Additional Information: friend in quistion

What about the horrific messages you sent to a staff member and the attempted ban evasion you tried twice today, How do you plan on apologising for that?
excuse me??

what messages are you talking about
Your ban is for, and I quote, "3.2, 1.4 - Metagaming with his friend whilst being raided. Very uncooperative and disrespectful during the sit. Extended by Efan: Sending disgusting videos to staff in Discord."

You messaged a staff member sending a horrific video/photo asking to be unbanned. This was over discord.
i never did send anything like that but i remember my friend(not dylan) sending something to get me unbanned on discord might that be it?

You're full of shit.
admin in question ignored the entire hour long explation we were giving got ignored​
I explained to you how that report was being handled and I explained that I could follow up with the player in question because your video created doubt surrounding what we were told by the person you reported. You, however, decided you'd rather talk over me in Dutch and walk off my sit.

You were not RDM'd, you fired at a car because your friend got ragdolled and you got shot for it.

The both of you were full of crap the whole time we were talking and none of you had any intention of being honest with me about how obviously you were metagaming.

You've also tried to ban evade and sent staff members vile images and even now you've decided to take absolutely no responsibility for what you've done.
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