Ban Apology (Collier)

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Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: mj2067
Your Roleplay Name: Mohamed Jalalibil
Your SteamID: Their SteamID is STEAM_0:1:791941820

Why were you punished?: NLR 3.5 - Returned to their NLR zone to defend the raid they died in as a Police Officer

Why should this appeal be considered?: I apologise sincerely regarding this as i had not known it was the same raid nor did i acknowledge NLR therefore i 100% take genuine responsibility and I'm willing to take responsibility and all liability for my previous actions. I am aware of the rules and as a government employee/citizens I will work towards staying away from the area no matter if I've got a crime happening, raid whatever it could be I will forever work to considering my domestic actions and not be wrapped up in my own mind of thought. I will proceed next time to work towards a stable solution, distance and mutual responsibility of maintaining and enforcing my own responsibilities. However I did not know that this was the same ongoing raid and i totally thought this was a different one around the same area and im still efectively in the wrong and i couldve performed to other effective tasks that maintain my responsibility and ability to stay in the server without getting banned. Also it had turnt out that during the ticket it said i would be banned for the day and these were what was said in the provided ticket however im willing to still uphold my own personal consequences as i simply want to be able to enjoy the ability to rp in perpheads while making sure others around me can maintain a effective strategy that upholds my entertainment and stops me from getting banned.

Additional Information: I was told i was going to be banned "for today" in said ticket and im hoping to show ive learnt my lesson in this communicative message that ive dedicated time into giving a clear insight of why i would be allowed the promised or a suitable time regarding this apology/appeal. Sincere Apologies Mohammed jalalibil
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