Ban Apology (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Grimey
Your Roleplay Name: Lance Moore
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67600898

Why were you punished?: 3.20, 4.1 - Caused a crash as a Police Officer, killing two. Disconnected immediately after instead of calling for Medics.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Last night I was banned for VRDM as I crashed into two players on the motorway, I then disconnected from the server and went straight to sleep as it was 2am. At the time I was playing on the server while incredibly high after smoking weed, in hind sight I should not be playing on the server in general while under the influence of that much weed, let alone as a cop.

After crashing into those two players, failing to drive ( due to my 300 ping and due to being very high ), I then got embarrassed and decided to just go to sleep before I cause more trouble and get banned / blacklisted from PLPD.

I am incredibly sorry for my actions as I have directly ruined roleplay for those two players I hit last night. In the past I haven't left the server to avoid punishment, however in this situation I have done so. I had extremely impaired judgement at the time and now that I have woken up, sober, I'm feeling like an idiot.

I apologize for the idiotic behaviour I displayed.

Additional Information: Please don't take Perpheads out of my life for long, my addiction to this excellent RP community grows ever stronger.
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Luckily, I happened to be the Medic who responded to their deaths and was able to quickly determine from the logs who was at fault in the crash and fix their car, so all in all they weren't put out for very long at all.

However, these situations are incredibly frustrating to deal with, as often the logs won't show the full picture and a victim of such a crash would generally have to provide a video of it before the car is fixed, which takes time. If you are at fault in a situation and you know it, please make a report of your own admitting fault. Not only will this help everyone involved, you are far more likely to be given leniency as it is both a very honest practice and saves a lot of time.

I will be shortening your ban length by half.
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