Ban Apology (dog)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: dog
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: MrPWagon
Your Roleplay Name: jamal black
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:418934896

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: not providing demo

Why should this appeal be considered?: i wasnt given enough time to find my demo when searching through folders i couldnt find said demo i have had a problem with this in the past that was due to my storage i have cleared my storage and still cant find any saved demos im not sure why this is but therefore i wasnt able to provide said demo i was typing this out in an f6 but i got banned as typing it out this situation is based over a raid at hungries where i stored 6 weapons im more than happy to give them back as i dont even need them but it was a misunderstanding i though the raid was over as i mentioned in my f6 i apologise for any problems caused i hope this can be resolved as i love roleplaying this server and would hate to never play again beacause i couldnt find a demo .

many thanks
Reaction score

@doge and I were both dealing with this situation. In the report you were explicitly told that we needed your demo. So you need to provide the demo.
When you have found your demos, you can create a dispute, not an apology, with the demo. When you have done this, it will be looked through and considered.
The ban will remain in place until you provide the demo. Please check all possible folders where the demo file could be located.​
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