Ban Apology (Dom_)

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Reaction score
in a basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dom_
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: ashur
Your Roleplay Name: Can not remember.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Well, let's start this off by saying, I have been apart of the PERPHEADS community since around 2015 when I first engaged into the server, ever since then I have always attempted to play by the rules, and I have made a few mistakes and always have tried to correct them.

However one day, I have decided to cheat, which was one of the stupidest decisions I have made on PERP, I have hacked for about 2 weeks or something, and we eventually got caught in November of 2019, for that I would apologize to everyone I have hurt with my hacks when I was TFU, and also to everyone I have affected with my org, I would especially want to say sorry for Dom's org at that time, since we had our "org beef" back then and raided each other many time, and we ruined your experiences by cheating.

I know I have ban evaded once aswell, this was around 1/2 months after my initial ban, I would also want to sincerely apologize for that.

Also after my ban, I decided to make a joke fake refund on paypal (which I cancelled) wasting Fredy's time aswell, I would especially want to apologize to him for wasting his time which he could've better spent on making some good content on the server, I have already sent him a message in TeamSpeak apologizing, I hope he read it, but here again, I'm sincerely sorry for wasting your time acting like a childish fool

But honestly, I believe that this appeal should be accepted due to the fact that I am honestly sorry, I have reflected on my appalling actions. Since I have been banned, I have played alot of FiveM-RP, and many other games, I have also matured as a person, I have had plenty of time to grow up a bit more, and realise that I was just being a stupid child

I would especially want to apologize for every staff member needing to go after us whilst we were cheating, I have seen the staff members that had to waste their time going after a few childish hackers just wanting to ruin other peoples experiences, especiall Dom and TinySlayer, since they put in alot of effort back then to catch us, I am really sorry.

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