Ban Apology (Double J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: hjaltegeden1234
Your Roleplay Name: bruce mcneill
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:562848178

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i ran somebody over while i was a firefighter and then i said in a funny way that was totally alowed

Why should this appeal be considered?: i ran him over while he was gun pointing a medic and was close to hit the medic but i mean what was i supposed to dolet the medic get hold hostage i dont feel like that should have been ban able i asked all my friends and they would have done the same in that position

Additional Information: i know i got ban for a month bc i had ban for a month not to long ago

I issued the ban on your record for our current sitting Enforcer @travis , I will get in contact with Travis and allow him to make the decision.
I witnessed this happen, I was a TFU officer responding to the situation. The hostage taker was the last shooter on scene and was gunpointing a medic when I arrived, causing me to immediately retreat in my vehicle to establish a more tactical position. The hostage taker looked to be facing me the whole time which is why he did not see the firefighter coming. While it might have been a little reckless, Bruce did save the medic through his actions by running over the last suspect on the scene.

The firefighters and medics were already on scene because an officer had shot down what he thought was the last suspect and mistakenly called the scene clear before the hostage taker pulled their pistol and shot him down. So it wasn't like the firefighter turned up for the sole reason of getting involved in the shootout, he simply saw an opportunity to save a life and took it.

The ban reason states he ran the medic over for little to no reason - is the defence of his colleagues not reason enough?

I think banning him for a month is a little excessive considering everything he did under the circumstances was justifiable, he took out a hostage taker with a pistol who was facing in the other direction. Certainly justifiable under the laws and it doesn't take much of a stretch to justify it under the rules either. I believe a month long ban is rather harsh.

The reason @hjaltegeden1234 was banned for this length of time is because of his previous ban of a month which was lifted after an apology. The same rule breaks occurred within two months. As a firefighter you should not be involving yourself in any shootout as you are not equipped to take down gunmen. Had there been another armed person the firefighter would have been shot down and died, hence putting his life at risk. This also resulted in a medic being unnecessarily run over which is illegal. Another 1 month ban is very fair as usually, a previous ban for rule breaks warrants a longer ban the next time those same rule breaks occur.
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