Ban Apology (Efan)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Years

Your Steam Name: Lushi
Your Roleplay Name: Benjamin Ruggiero
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240551246

Why were you punished?: 1.5, 1.1 - Took a picture of another player without their consent thereafter made the image his steam profile. Continued to mock the other player whilst he did so. Return when you have grown up.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello dear perpheads community,

Recently i got banned for 2 years because i used a community member's face to set it up on my profile picture because whe had an argument. When i got this ban i thought it was wrong and made a dispute about it because i thought its unfair that i got banned for this. But now i completely understand that i was fair to ban me,and i want to thank Efan and the administration team that were investigating my incident for giving me a 2 years ban,considering my record it needed to be a longer ban or even Community Wide Ban.

Troughout these 3 months and some days i really thinked about my actions,i tried to maturise and i can say that it was succesfull,im no longer a toxic kid and if u want to check it you can ask my friends which are also a part of the community. Recently i started talking with Daniel again,and we talked about all this situation seriously and i apologised to him for being an extremelly asshole all this time,for being childlish asf,for being extremely toxic and in every argument to make fun of him. But now i understand that this was extremely cringe and i did that because i had no other arguments and i thought im so cool that im toxic,but now i realised that no. Being toxic wont resolve your problems,you just get yourself in more trouble.

From now on,if i have an argument with someone im resolving it peaceful,without being toxic or yelling at someone,i just want to hear what they think is wrong with the situation that occured and how can i help him to resolve it. With that im trying to say that i maturised in these 3 months.

Efan,even if i texted you and you said that i have minimum to wait a year before appealing,i really cant wait to return to perpheads,i was interesed in it the whole time,checking forums and updates,and i see that the whole administration team is occupied with the server,and should not be occupied with assholes like me,that ruin RP experience. If this appeal will be accepted and i will return to perpheads again,i will extremely try not to go with someone in conflict,not to be racist,toxic kid.

Please if you catch me one more time on my toxicity,give me a Community Wide Ban and dont even accept my external appeals if i will write them,because this will be the fair punishment for lying in an appeal and make fake promises.
I read all the rules from Terminologies to 6.3 alt accounts,to make sure that im acknowleged with the rules.

Im begging you to give me one more chance,and i will do everything that i can to not dissapoint you and other community members.

Additional Information: Please read the whole appeal,i really tried to explain myself
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