Ban Apology (Ellie wolf)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie wolf
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: MaverickRat
Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Ratathon
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:27729728

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.2 - User was taking revenge on people without investigating properly or could find the proper words for justifying it in report. Staff asked him a question in the report which his friend in-game answered right after and he claimed they were not metagaming or talking on discord. When taken to admin sit, the staff member could hear his other friend through his mic and Maverick got so upset he started to scream like a crazy person and insulted the staff member before disconnecting.

Why should this appeal be considered?: First i do want to say sorry for my anger at the end of it all, but i do have anger management issues, i know its some pathetic excuse and i shouldn't of let it get the better of me but i was just trying to get my friends into the server and we had been raided 4 times before in the same hour, i wasn't in a good mood so when i was reported and told id get a 3 month ban i was extremely confused, my actions were unreasonable but i felt in the report i didn't have the full capacity to explain myself, and i was only bought to a sit to be banned , the staff member in question also said "i cant believe your friends with them", after i accidentally allowed discord audio through in a staff sit (i believed to be an out of character area),and i took that comment like the staff member was taking the piss out of them or me and they said to my friend that "maybe this is too serious for you , go to darkRP", even if that wasn't the intention of the comment, i though of it like that, although my comments in response were vile, i don't feel that way , and i was just fed up, if i could have the chance now or later just to either know what ive done or explain myself id feel much better, but this isnt about me .Although ive already mentioned it, i do feel bad about my comments towards the staff member, and i hope me and my friends can be on better terms with the staff team and if this apology is accepted, id also like to write one on behalf of my friend (if that's allowed), in the end though , i deserve what happened to me but i just want to get back to the fun, although it doesn't sound genuine , i have learnt my lesson , as that long of a punishment has made me more aware of how things are run in this community and me and my friends would adhere to the rules firmly when we return.

I do appreciate your apology and will lower the ban from 1 month to 1 week, BUT if it happens again it will be a longer ban without a chance for an appeal and I hope you understand this.
I don't remember saying any of that but I do remember calling you out for being on discord when you said several times that you're not.

Starting as a new player is hard but if you want to help your friend there is several other ways to communicate such as /org chat, org TS, /whisper or text/call on phone.
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