Ban Apology (Exnem)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Apo_llo
Your Roleplay Name: Joe Jackwagon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424667278

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User participated in a hostage situation. When they realized they had to go AFK, instead of creating a report, chose to run out the front door which ended in their death and the end of the hostage situation.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hey Exnem,

I just wanted to apologies for what happened in-game. I messed up and went AFK briefly upon coming back I had multiple people inside my apartment and a Hostage Situation was created without my initial knowing. I participated in it because I had no other choice and then when I needed to go deal with some real life commitments instead of doing the correct thing and opening a support ticket to explain my situation briefly I put my life at risk which ruined other players emersions. My actions were totally wrong and it was in the moment I greatly regret my actions and apologies to both you and the people involved. I understand what I have done wrong and I have taken the last few days to reflect on this and read over the rule once again I will ensure I learn from this pathetic mistake and I will be more responsible in the future. I want to be a better player and respect the rules and other players. I understand if you are still frustrated from my mistakes, but I hope you can forgive my mistake. I hope we can all move past this and I appreciate you taking your time to read and respond to this apology

Your record for 3.4 in the last 3 months, including the apologies you've made for getting the bans reduced, or being unbanned, have not resulted in anything. You clearly didn't learn from these mistakes and your blatant disregard for your own life in the hostage situation you participated in resulted in the breakdown of negotiations and the hostage takers losing the situation.

You lasted all of 11 days before you broke 3.4 again, all because you thought you could just exit the situation by running out the door whilst zip tied.
I understand you had something to do in real life, and it's great to hear you know what to do next time, but your record alone prohibits me from forgiving you.

If you made a report and explained why you had to go AFK, you'd very likely have been permitted to be AFK for as long as you needed to. Life takes priority after all, but you can't take matters into your own hands and change the course of a situation needlessly the way you did.

I appreciate the apology, but they lose value the more you make them for every time you break 3.4.
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