Ban Apology (ezza)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Russman5757
Your Roleplay Name: Sammy Payne
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121471236

Why were you punished?: went out of character

Why should this appeal be considered?: The reason i (went out of character) was because i told him that he was a big man in gmod because he was acting like a complete dickhead saying that hes going to give me the max sentence because hes sick of idiots like me even tho i have played for around 18 hours now and have not had any issues and he then power tripped and snapped on me and flew me up to a roof top and told me he was sick of idiots like me because i pushed a guy into the street and that i was being banned for going out of character for saying one thing he then tried to ban me for longer because he said i pushed the guy from spawn even though i did not

Additional Information: I understand that he is a DEV and this report is probably going to be thrown out without even being looked at but i would like to have someone actually look at this as a 2 day ban is way too much for me simply saying hes a big man in gmod

If you disagree with the ban, feel free to dispute it with evidence that you infact did not break these rules.

If you have an issue with how I dealt with the situation make a staff complaint here:

Also.. Yes I can be punished as a staff member, even if I am a Developer, although you didn't believe this when in the sit..
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