Ban Apology (Flugs / Hayden)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Flugs / Hayden
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Dorizzo
Your Roleplay Name: Dorizzo Doe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97122020

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Killing a ziptied hostage

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hey, i just saw on the forums that an admin made an AR on me, and gave me 24hrs to respond or actions would be taken. I have not logged on the server nor seen this before just now. I held a hostage inside slums 4 and told the police to not enter, they opened the door, closed it, then opened it again and had guns out and looked like they stepped inside, so i shot the hostage. I dont know wich demo it is required to show my pov, or if admin got their demo. 5 day ban is a long time for something that could potentially be a misunderstanding from my part, believing they stepped inside if they did infact not. And im very sorry if i did take wrong, but i feel its a very long ban for something that we could instead talk about in game or messages. I really want to get back on the server and play, and again. Im very sorry if i did infact do anything wrong in this situation.
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Hey, i am apologizing for what has ocurred, i just didnt know i did something wrong. I really believed they entered the room and thats why i shot the hostage, didnt mean anything wrong towards the player i held hostage, just wanted to play. Im sorry if my message above was confusing. And again im very sorry, especially to the player i had hostage
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Great Britain

We appreciate you taking the time to create this apology. Unfortunately, we want you to wait out more of this ban before we will consider an apology. By your own lack of tact, you caused an incredibly frustrating situation for the user who reported you.

With a history like yours, we would expect you to have learnt to be more considerate in how you play. Hopefully you are able to properly learn from this punishment. If not, you will see an increasing severity in how you are dealt with in future situations.
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