Ban Apology (glacial)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: glacial
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Qawferz
Your Roleplay Name: nicholas mobbers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 and raiding more then twice in an hour

Why should this appeal be considered?: I take full responsbilty for my actions and now understand where i went wrong, me trying to improve on myself in perp not getting banned etc by reporting players and asking questions in f6 before i do things so i know i cant get in trouble, when we raided morons i genuinly asked aloo if we were on timer and he said its up, as im fairly new to raiding i usualy sit arround bazzar and grow, honestly if i had known that i was breaking 3.4 i would have left instantly but my logic was that i owned BZ7 and that was a safe place, in terms of the waiting in a shop thing aloo told me an experienced player with like 50 days played and a good known raider who i though knew his shit but turns out he didnt, from now on i will just stay away from things like that, and in future wont listen to anyone unless they are a staff member, i hope u understand this and where i am coming from in this incident and understand that i wont do it again and have been geuinley trying to improve on my skill in perp and keep the community a healthy place for others, I hope u understand that if i knew i was breaking a rule i would have instantly stopped. /QAWFERZZ/NICHOLAS MOBBERS

Additional Information: Hope u can understand and unban ! :pepedance:

You're clearly not sorry, and you copy/pasted your old appeal. Wait out the ban.

Dear [appealer],

Thank you for submitting your ban appeal. After careful review, we have decided to deny your appeal.

One of the reasons for this decision is that your appeal demonstrated minimal effort in explaining the circumstances surrounding your ban. In order for us to properly assess your appeal, it is important that you provide a detailed and thoughtful explanation of what happened.

Additionally, we ask that you respect the ban and the terms of service that you agreed to when you joined our community. The ban period is in place for a reason, and we expect you to wait out the full duration of the ban before attempting to rejoin the community.

We understand that being banned can be frustrating, but we hope that you will use this time to reflect on your actions and consider how you can contribute positively to the community in the future.

Sincerely, [Your Name]
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