Ban Apology (half the staff team)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: half the staff team
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: KUSHVOS
Your Roleplay Name: Dom Kushenberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:581055058

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User took two police officers as hostage. With the intentions to demand the Road Crew worker to get to them, so that he could get his car unhooked and the wheelclamp taken off.

Why should this appeal be considered?: It has been nearly 6 weeks since I got banned and within them 6 weeks I have re read every rule and understand them, I personally feel like I am ready too come back and not brake any rules, I know I have said that in multiple other apologise but this time I really mean it, I enjoy playing perp with irl mates and mates I met through the game and I miss being able too enjoy perp with them. I understand how I broke 3.4 when I got banned and will avoid situations like that unless it is absolutely necessary.

Nearly a month ago now it came up saying an account was linked too my account, It is technically linked too my account but I wasn't the one using it or attempting too use it, I said this when it got banned in the forums that it wasn't me using it and was actually ducky setting it up too let my cousin play on the server as when he comes round when I wasn't banned I let him play and he just wanted too play the on perp so my brother set it up for him and then got banned when he joined.
If u don't want too believe me and believe it was me alting then I will take responsibility for it.
I hope too be back soon.
Thank you for taking ur time too read this appeal. :)

Additional Information: Other account-
Player deniz.kapar143
Reason Alt account of STEAM_0:0:581055058
SteamID STEAM_0:0:525082095
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