Ban Apology (Haris)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dave
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: reikifl
Your Roleplay Name: Margeret Tedder
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:169850682

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.5, 3.24 - User was killed and then when respawned went to the killer and began insulting them and punching them. // Banned for Enforcer Haris

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am sorry I didnt realise what I was doing and I understand that I was being toxic. That being said once un banned I am going to do a make over of my self with a new outfit/name and will be trying to better myself and be less toxic I have thought about it and this is the path that I dont want to go down I want to make allies not enemies and I hope you can understand.
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Though my experience with you does not have any coloration with the ban in question, what I will say is that you've been nothing but incredibly toxic and insulting for literally no reason and that you're always looking for a confrontation so when the consequences of your own stupidity hits you, you start to squeal that you're going to "flex your F6 muscle" (incredibly cringe)

i'd rather not see you back on the server so soon


Communication Banned
Reaction score
Though my experience with you does not have any coloration with the ban in question, what I will say is that you've been nothing but incredibly toxic and insulting for literally no reason and that you're always looking for a confrontation so when the consequences of your own stupidity hits you, you start to squeal that you're going to "flex your F6 muscle" (incredibly cringe)

i'd rather not see you back on the server so soon
as you have said your not related to this ban so I ask for you to kindly delete your post as stated in my ban appeal I am going to be trying to change my act and be less toxic as said I am going to be changing my rp character too one of the main reasons is for my history that people know me by as proved by you I am going to have to change my rp character so I will not be known for my past and hopefully can start fresh and hopefully start making friends instead of enemies.
Reaction score
You are one of my org members and from what I've learned from you is that whenever you do something wrong you always learn from your mistakes and make sure they don't occur ever again, you're a smart kid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Yeah you do have quite a bit of a problem with running your mouth but alot of people were like that at your age, as you grow and mature more as a person that stuff will all fade and youll cut it out but as of right now youre still growing and you have alot to learn. im not going to say whether you should be banned or unbanned but i am going to say that you deserve another chance to make things right. The admins do deserve an apology for your antics but most importantly i think you should apologize to the person that you went and bashed both verbally and physically. if you dont know their name on the forums then im sure an admin will help you figure that out so that you may apologize to them personally. (i am in no way related to this kids ban but im just trying to give the kid some insight and hopefully opening up a new door for him)

Deleted member 4084


Efan has spoken with you since, please stick to the agreement.
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