Ban Apology (KeimaW)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: KeiwaM
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Sanchez
Your Roleplay Name: Eduardo Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:603942538

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User was trying to attract the attention of police in his vehicle, proceeded to flee from them and went in to his apartment, which led to the raid of the apartment. Allegedly the user thought he was "wanted", but in that case, the user should not have been trying to attract the attention of the police. Horrendous record of 3.4 violations.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi,

I would like to apologise for breaking rule 3.4 again... I already made an apology appeal that was denied because of my horrible record for 3.4. In 8 days (18 july 2023) I get unbanned which is not that long anymore.

The reason why I wanna be unbanned sooner is because on 19 july I go on vacation for a long time and I hoped that you could shorten my ban so I can still play before going on vacation. I know that my record is horrible and that my chances for getting unbanned are really small.

So i'm really sorry for breaking the same rule over and over again. I can't really say much more except that i'm very sorry and that I will improve from this moment forward. I know that you think that I have no self control and I want to prove that I can play the server without breaking 3.4 and other rules aswell.

Additional Information: I'm apologizing for wasting your time and if I break 3.4 in the next months you can give me a much longer ban. KeiwaM I hope you having a good day and please just think about it and don't just instant denie it :)
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