Ban Apology @McGlinchy and the officers I blew up.

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy
How long were you banned for: 2 months. (First 1 day but extended due to an agreement)

Your Steam Name: [-Core-] Daan
Your In-game Name: Lucius Husky
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54498132

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.5, 3.4, 3.6 - User killed himself and multiple officers with a grenade because he was going to be detained. -Increased to meet unban agreement and due to 28 bans on record.
Why should this appeal be considered: Right. Ill start this off first by saying sorry to @McGlinchy , @Mimball I believe @The HitMan and the third officer I blew up (cant remember you name, sorry)

This was a absolutely ridiculous action of me and it was incredibly stupid.
I should not have just blew myself up togather with you guys over me
only getting detained. It was a incredibly dumb action and I immediatly regretted it when I
did it. I would also want to say sorry to McGlinchy for me
committing this reckless action and ruining his time.
I do believe these actions we're incredibly stupid and my punishment was absolutely deserved.
Although this ofcourse does not make up for my stupid actions that
I just should not have done. When McGlinchy banned me I have started thinking a bit.
And I want to improve my behavior. I believe that I have made several reckless
actions on this server ruining people their experience, which I now highly regret.
I know I have said this before and I keep getting banned. But I really want
to improve myself and stop doing these reckless actions.

If this apology gets denied I fully understand and accept the decision. I just want to make sure the Officers and McGlinchy know that I feel sorry and regret my actions.

Additional Comment(s): I hope you guys can forgive me for my dumb actions.
Yeah. I am just making some stupid decisions some times. I'm happy to hear U didn't mind too much.
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