Ban Apology (moon)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?:
2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: fred_XVII
Your Roleplay Name: Fred Steel
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:504278140

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User delayed being gunpointed and started to call out his location while on Teamspeak to a friend, resulting in there death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: in my honest defense
1) I get panicked when I go on raids (if I'm not well armed) if I mug someone or if they mug me I get numb because I find myself with too many people screaming so much that I go into standby and freeze
2) I already had Teamspeak open beforehand because I was talking to my friend (who was in the car with me) then they shot him and I froze because in my head I was thinking "if I don't get out they'll kill me and if I get out they'll kill me anyway" and I went standby
3) my other friend had randomly entered Teamspeak and saw me, I told him in Italian "call the police they are mugging me at p.pass" but I didn't know that you couldn't give information, after having Having said that, I calmed down and i got out of the car immediately after the third (or fourth) request and they killed me, then I did the f6 because I was pissed off.

I only ask to be banned because me and my other friends managed to play together again after a month of waiting for a friend of ours

The main reason you got banned was because you failed to comply when a gun was pointed at you. In situations like that, you’re expected to follow instructions instead of resisting/delaying GP. On top of that, you were also calling out information while being gunpointed which isn’t allowed. It’s important to remember that when someone has a gun on you, your best option is to comply with there commands. You also originally callled a staff report for "Mugging in a public area" until I had to sit through multiple reports with people and figure out the whole situation of someone snitching on so and so

This seems more like a Dispute then an Apology. If you want to dispute the legitimacy of the ban then you'll have to create a Dispute but as of now the ban is going to stay.
  • If you create an apology then you accept you broke the rules and are apologizing for your actions, in hope for your punishment to be reviewed.
  • If you create a dispute then you feel you haven't broken the rules and want to dispute the legitimacy of the punishment.
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