Ban Apology (Muffin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Muffin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: gabry1847
Your Roleplay Name: Pinuccio lo strazzone
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:516428327

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2 - metagaming with his friend, left while a report was open with him

Why should this appeal be considered?: I know im not the best player on the server, i did break some rules, and got a few warns and bans, but I realy hope that u will accept my apology and unban me, 2 months have passed from when i got the ban atleast 4 times a week i remember how much of a good time i had on this server, i know that if I got the ban it was my fault and only mine, but I wasnt metagaming, but since i dont have any proof of what im saying, i can only explain what happened and I dont want this to be a ban dispute. So basically me and my friend got mugged from 11 guys in suburbs and we were pretty mad about it, so we decided to seek revenge, after a few minutes we discovered that one of them had a shop at bazaar and had his car parked in bazar parking lot, so me and my friend decided that he would hit his car with a bat and when the guy would come out i would shoot him with a silenced beretta, we tried calling each other on the phone of the game but it didnt have any texture on my screen, so we decided that I would just go behind the bridge and when I crouched my friend would start hitting the car with a bat, we do so and when the guy come outside i shoot him and after a few miss I hit him, then we each go our way without telling each other nothing since I knew he would have to go to study irl, after 7 or 8 minutes i see that i have an open ticket from an admim and he says that we were on a call on discord, and asked me to admit since my friend alredy did (which i know isnt true because we werent on discord) i keep saying that we both werent on a discord call, and i told him that my phone was glitched and that I had to go to take piano lessons and I had to be at school in 5 minutes, but he didnt answer for like 8 minutes and I just had to quit to go to piano school. I just want to say that IT IS my fault for quitting while I had a ticket open but we didnt metagame. I want this to be an apology and not a dispute, im realy sorry for quitting the game while I had a ticket open and I hope that the server community and the staff members will accept my apologies
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