Ban Apology (Nazeer)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Mickey
Your Roleplay Name: Mickey Chosen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:803426272

Why were you punished?: Shouting for help whilst under gunpoint because police were outside

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi Nazeer I wanna start off with saying sorry
What I done was wrong without a doubt.
I made a f6 asking if the person was allowed to shoot me because I called for help.
I didn't make that f6 to report the other person I made it so if I was in the wrong I would make sure to not do it again because I really do hate being banned its a very annoying thing to come home and not being able to play the server its really fun and all my friends play it I always have no other game to resort to as the other games are so boring.
Most of my bans are rule 3.4 so I understand the extent of the ban but it is genuinely hard rule and it takes time to adapt to it
But this isn't a reason for me to break it.
I hope this finds u well and u forgive me for what I have done and I can promise u that
a situation like this will never happen again I have deeply read rule 3,4 and I had questions that I asked my friend whos been playing the game for a while about what I can and cant do and I have learned to value my life.
Thank u for reading

Additional Information: The player never reported me I admitted to the situation
Reaction score

You have alot of recent bans for the same rule, wait this ban out.
FYI, the player did report you.
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