Ban Apology (scarubz)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @scarubz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Zux-_-
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Dockers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:513510567

Why were you punished?: Breaking serve rules / Staff diss

Why should this appeal be considered?: It has been two weeks since I have been banned now , which I believe to be enough time for me to understand and rectify the issues I caused. The language I used was not professional and the only use was to insult the staff member in the sit, I would like the staff member to understand these words where said in the heat of the moment(not excusable) and I would like to apologise for the use of these words and if these affected the staff member I apologise. In terms of the Original warn bans , I read over the rules and my excuses for breaking these rules where invalid. I now have a better understanding of the rules and will rectify my mistakes by doing my best to play on the server (if you let me) without breaking these rules. Overall , I would like to apologise to Scarubz for the behaviour I displayed in the sit refusing to let him talk , shouting over him , and the Continuous use of the R slur. Because I have read over the rules as mentioned previously , this gives me a better understanding of the warns I have received and should help me to not breaks these rules in the future. I will also refrain from using unacceptable language in staff sits , and will take ownership for any mistakes I make in the future without trying to shift blame to others ,(as I previously did) and will handle myself in a more respectable way.

Thank you for your time

I appreciate your apology but I believe you need to wait this one out considering your behaviour when I had a chat with you.
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