Ban Apology (scrabuz)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Nyarlatoteph
Your Roleplay Name: dragan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96309731

Why were you punished?: rob a car

Why should this appeal be considered?: cuz i dont speak english well, im a new player, i havent played long enough, is the first time i try to do the quest chop chop that need to rob a car, and i didnt even underestand well what said the admin cuz im from south america he starting saying a lot of things fast and i even thinked i was reporting cuz we got all RDM
1.6, 2.5 - User stole another players vehicle and crashed it for no good reason. When confronted about it proceeded to lie about even having stolen the car thats why you got banned
Well sir im so sorry, i was confused i promise i was doing in that moment the quest chop chop, its hard to control the car for me cuz im new, i didnt underestanded well the admin i got scared when said you did this, and i didnt remember well, so im so sorry, i promise i didnt remember when i did it and after all i remember it cuz i was focus in otther things in game it tooked me by surprice and i just entered in panic, but yeah i was doing that quest, i failed robbing a car many times cuz lockpick broke and if i lied was cuz i missunderestand the situation, as i said i dont speak english well im doing my best, im a new player also played really short time, so please forgive me, i would happy get banned if was a RDM or a NLR situation, i want to ad at last time i asked to the admin what color was the car and he said he didnt know and i said oh i remember i stoled a yellow car but i didnt underestand when he said you tooked a tesla , i just forgotten it completly, i havent sleeped much today playing, too is hard for me spell propertly i was specting a warn or something in that situation any way was my mistake i didnt did it in purpose of annoy someone just for the quest, please considerate i played for too many hours yesterday to fall to sleep, thats why i was slow when the admin called me
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In the worst situation i just want to apeal for a reduction of the ban, cuz i explained i was doing the quest "steal a car for money from dark web", i didnt robbed the car for ram people, i didnt killed anyone with it i tried to escape from the police and i failed, so just a reduction maybe also i did apologize but i havent recibe a "denegated or aprobated"
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