Ban Apology (sidd)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: John
Your Roleplay Name: John VII
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561197996274490

Why were you punished?: It said "Grow Up Mate"

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was already warned for my behavior by the sidd with a follow up warning and ban of ooc. If i was in the wrong I apologize but, I do believe that sidd is not emotionally capable of handling situations with his brain. I do not have the clip but it is all there in the puding with the chat logs on the server and my warnings. I didnt have my software at the time up and running but, didn't really have anything to clip at that. It was a swift ban that I would believe to not be thought through and done correctly. I think the warnings were enough. It could have been that people in the chat logs were talking about a different subject and myself and other collegues were commenting on it and he decided himself we are talking about him and decided to ban me for the lot of people talking in the chat.
Is this an apology or a dispute?

  • You can create either an apology or dispute, you choose this when creating the appeal.
  • You cannot dispute a punishment because you feel the length was unjust, this must be done via a staff complaint instead.
  • You can only dispute a punishment once, if you still disagree after it was denied then you should make a staff complaint.
  • If you create an apology then you accept you broke the rules and are apologizing for your actions, in hope for your punishment to be reviewed.
  • If you create a dispute then you feel you haven't broken the rules and want to dispute the legitimacy of the punishment.
It's an apology because I do not have the resources to put together a dispute without a clip
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