Ban Apology (Steelo (Not sure))

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo (Not sure)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: underdragon26
Your Roleplay Name: Kenneth Hicks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:621632361

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Mass RDM

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Perpheads players and management. I recently was banned for mass RDM. I am a new player and did not mean to cause issues. I understand this is a big fault on my end and am deeply sorry for that.

For context, I was nearing the end of my play session and I wanted to start a police case or scene of some sort to finish off my night of gaming. I went up to some people and shot one thinking I was allowed to. There was another player behind him who also was killed from my shots. A third player was there and seemed to be pulling out a weapon so I fired at them killing him. To be clear, I was using a Walther PPK and had ran out of ammo at this point. Right after this happened I left. Another player picked up a gun and started shooting the rest of the players. They ended up running away. I do not know if they where handled by moderators or not. I ran when the cops arrived and had grabbed a gun off the ground. That gun I took and stored for later. The police ended up coming and had killed me after I panicked and tried hitting them with a baseball bat.

Soon after, I was revived and taken to the police station to be put in jail. The officers explained to me about what I did and how it was wrong. After I sat in jail for a few moments a moderator came and got me. I explained some things to him but overall was sorry for my actions. The moderator explained to me how and what I did was wrong and my punishment for my actions. I have received a 4 month ban as a result of this. The moderator explained to me that this is a lowered ban because of my honesty to him and my apologies. Another moderator took me to retrieve the weapon I had picked up before. I gave it to the moderator. The weapon belonged to one of the victims. To my knowledge the weapon was returned to the owner.

If anyone who I killed is reading this, please accept my sincere apology for interrupting your time. I have gone through the rules at this point and have made sure I understand them well like I should have when I started.

Being honest, I am writing this because this is a favorite sever of my friend. He has just showed me this about 2 or 3 days ago. He is very disappointed and upset of me getting banned. I was hoping that at the very lest (which would be a lot in this situation) to have my ban lowered. I would be very thrilled to have my ban shortened or removed. If nothing can be done, I will understand and respect your decision.

Once again, I am deeply sorry to everyone and wish to be accepted back into this amazing community. I will never do this again or anything similar. Thank you for reading.

TL:DR: I messed up big time as a new player and am very sorry.
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