Ban Apology (Steelo)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: HyperKaizen
Your Roleplay Name: Kaizen Chan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:804283249

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - The user failed to comply with an Officer's order whilst under direct gunpoint, instead choosing to drive off.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Not being funny i didnt realise that you couldnt drive off... i thought this only applied when you was on foot. I am very sorry and it wont happen again now that i know you cant drive off when under gunpoint. I was just the driver and i thought he was talking to my passenger as he was the one with the gun, my passenger said drive off so i did

Additional Information: Steelo turned around and said that i broke the rule i told him that i didnt know that this applied when you was in a car and that it wont happen again, he still went ahead and said he was issuing a 2 day ban even though he has issued a 3 day ban which is stupid... I asked him multiple times that i wanted to speak to Super_ the admin as me and him had something in plan for the server but he declined that and said its not his job to tell the admin i want to speak to him and because of that hes issued a 3day ban... I want this ban lifted as i apologised to him and that i know that you cant drive off.

i want to put in a compliant in against Steelo as well as i think that what he has done is unacceptable, if i want to speak to a higher up member i.e an admin then i should be able to without having to ask over and over again and for him to say no... i want this unban accepted as i think it is unreasonable considering i havent broken any rules recently, i have follwed all rules i can... I made a mistake not knowing you cant drive off... it wont happen again.
Reaction score
sneed's feed & seed

he still went ahead and said he was issuing a 2 day ban even though he has issued a 3 day ban which is stupid...
Oops, I did accidentally issue a 3 day ban instead of 2. Fixed it now.

i want to put in a compliant in against Steelo as well as i think that what he has done is unacceptable, if i want to speak to a higher up member i.e an admin then i should be able to without having to ask over and over again and for him to say no...
Make a Staff Complaint here. Staff members are not required to oblige your requests to "speak to a higher up". In the report, you specifically requested to speak to Super, which I gave you numerous appropriate outlets to do so.

i want this unban accepted as i think it is unreasonable considering i havent broken any rules recently, i have follwed all rules i can... I made a mistake not knowing you cant drive off... it wont happen again.
You have a ban from just last week for the same exact thing (failing to comply while under gunpoint).
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