Ban Apology @Super_

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Super_
How long were you banned for: 1week

Your Steam Name
: Bakemono
Your In-game Name: Jack Bingo
Your Steam ID:
Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.4 - User evaded from police over a traffic ticket. Once the user had reached his apartment, the user then baited the police into a shootout by aiming his weapon at them

Why should this appeal be considered: First off i'm sorry @Tilin you had to get evidence together with @Dan because of my stupidity although you need to understand it's quite frustrating that every cop in PLPD feels raid hungry and when raids happen and they lose the raid they call the "baiting cops" card after they die but if they don't its completley fine,anyways that is not my point it's still completley my fault and i understand that but some org member also said that you saw drugs which wasn't the case after all hopefully @Super_ understands that and so do you guys as well i'm sorry once again for wasting your time guys gathering evidence and Super reviewing it.
I never was mad at you, I just showed that the drugs weren't able to be seen.. Sure it's not pleasant to be on the black screen, but at this point I am used to getting shot by you every time I see you.
need to understand it's quite frustrating that every cop in PLPD feels raid hungry
The point is we were not raid hungry. I had to go back to PD and get TFU gear because I did not expect the situation to escalate. We were not the ones that wanted a shootout and we were the ones that actually wanted to talk normally. Don't call us raid hungry when we just tried to talk.

when raids happen and they lose the raid they call the "baiting cops" card after they die but if they don't its completley fine
Well yeah duh, if we win we at least don't get the time to spend time on black screen, so you usually don't have time to be frustrated.
Firstly, after everything that happened in that situation was completely avoidable, so I really couldn't care less about it. The only time I'll be angry about something if it's my fault, or if the situation was out of my control. Since I've decided to pursue this, I'm not angry.

What I will comment on is how you behaved in the action request.

5:30mins video just over a shootout u lost as a cop just shows how salty you're.
so you're just putting the blame on either of us Mr NaCl. zzzzz
0reason to add that and then died and cried thus making an AR bye bye ╭∩╮( ͡° ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮

An absolutely disgusting way to conduct yourself in a situation where someone has decided to report you, and as such I will say that I don't think you should be unbanned, and should have to wait the 1 week assigned.

As far as I'm aware, your record in more recent times has been abysmal, so as well as the toxicity in the AR, you should probably sit this one out since you've managed to acquire 3 bans and 1 warning in the last 12 days.

Sorry, but it's a no from me.
@Dan Man you don't even know how op boosters are in rainbow sorry for your blackscreen Mr Nacl

New operator:

Dai-Gon Jinn: The D.U.M.B - Grenade that vaporizes any nearby targets.
Sofia Kennedy: MassRDMer - Gives them ingame aimbot for 20 seconds that recharges in 5.
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