Ban Apology (the person that banned me is called Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: the person that banned me is called Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: plopskii
Your Roleplay Name: Allan olof
Your SteamID: 76561198360893217 or STEAM_0:1:200313744

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.18 - User stored 3 weapons during a raid, 2 of which was immediately after killing a police officer

Why should this appeal be considered?: Why should this appeal be considered?: I really apologize for my actions it was my fault but when I play on this fantastic sever, I sometimes don't think what I'm doing. I know I have around 5 bans and stuff but you learn from your mistakes. I always try my best i have been waiting now for a week trying to keep myself from playing but it doesnt work i still keep thinking on playing when im unbanned that's why I'm doing this. I apologize for this I can promise you that I have read the rule over and over as well as all the other rules. I don't know how to change my mistake but this will never happen again, still lerning. Because i play the server all the time and try my best not to break any rules. I want to say sorry to the server staff or admin not sure, Ezza im really sorry i hope that you can forgive me, and that if i can get a reduction of the ban I will be so thankful with the staff of the server. Even if i can't get a reduction, I'm just sorry and I hope you guys accept this apology letter. Its allready freyday the best day in the week and i really wanna play on this server i love this and i whould spend more then 12 houers just today to play. This is the best rp server and the best comunity. I dident know that my life was at risk at that time im still lerning and playing, i try to learn this rule that im getting banned for so i have readed it now multibul times and i know exactly the rule without the text. so ezza sorry for posting so many apologies but i really want to play on the server again because me and my friend are free for 4 weeks now and we want to play this server every day for several hours and i really miss this server don't know what I'm going to play without this, I'm really sorry if now could take the time or if you don't do them, just accept it and understand that I'm really sorry. This is the last apology im gonna send if you dont accept im just gonna wait, i know that i have send like 2 apoligys allreadyt but i cant stop think about this server its only 4 days left i have allready waited 1 week and 3 days and i cant stop wait to play on this server with my friend i usally spend around 10-15 houers a day on this server or 6-10 somethimes but i love this server and create the best senarios that i can think of i whould love if i could play on this server today or tomorror and skip the last 4 days i got i would prusiate it and this is the last apology that im sending have a great day guys, im sry for sending this much apologys, and its friday a nice day to grind on the server multibul houers with my friend
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