Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)


Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Communication Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Unknown
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Zoephix
Your Roleplay Name: Yuko Kurogi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50197118

Why were you punished?: I'm not sure why the ban was issued since it's been a while. I believe it might have to do with toxic behavior, but I'm not sure.

Why should this appeal be considered?: It's been a while since the ban has been issued, from as far as I can tell it goes at least two years back. Although I can't exactly recall the reasoning behind it, I do know that I was certainly not the most reputable player around back then, but a toxic one, rather. I've changed heavily since then, I'm not the same person as I was years ago. Even though it's easy to just write that down without any way of really knowing, I genuinely mean it when I say that. I've changed drastically.

The reason I'm appealing is because I'm looking to get in touch with the community again, I still have friends active in here. The community in general appears to be an awesome place for me to hangout and socialize with, and hopefully be able to make some new friends through!

Adding onto that, I want to genuinely apologize for my past behavior in this community. I know very well how my behavior was back then, and it's absolutely nothing I'm proud of. However the reality is that it's unfortunately not possible for me to undo what has been done, no matter how much I regret everything. I do want to make up for that, and hope I get the possibility to be able to show the best of myself, the way I turned out to be who I am today.

I do completely understand it if this appeal gets denied. Whether it be due to my extensive history, or a lack of trust or such, I totally get it. Regardless, I have the hope that my appeal will be taken into consideration, and the hope for a possibility of returning to this community. I've had many chances, too many to be fair. If I'm given this chance, I will make it count.