Ban appeal for JustFedorable @bolli @collier

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @TinySlayer @Bolli @Collier
How long were you banned for: One whole cycle of the cosmic oven.

Your Steam Name: Justfedorable
Your In-game Name: Right Honourable Lt. Gen., Royal Artillery Household Cav. (ret) Lord Sir. Robert Geoffrey Crane. OBE
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans)
1.4, 2.5, 5.6 - Attempted to kidnap a player without a valid reason. Killed the player without giving them enough of a chance to comply with being gunpointed. Attempted to mislead a moderator during an admin sit. In other admin sit, failed to cooperate with the request of giving a statement.
Why should this appeal be considered:

((AMSR: a typewritten paper)).

Dear whom it may concern,

I am sorry.

I am writing this appeal to hereby apologise for my actions that I had undertaken during this time of outright uncertainty, of which resulted in my exclusion of the established server on Garry's Mod. Within this appeal, I shall highlight my reasoning for why my ban should be lifted, especially given my previous punishment record being about as clean as a whistle in comparison to certain rapscallions, namely the original poster going by the alias of JC Denton. It should also be noted that this post was written by myself, however was reposed onto the forums via Scatman John whom is a known associate, business partner, accomplice, and some may even regard as an assistant; not to be confused as a friend or a chum, as it's a well known established fact that befriending a retard is not a recommended practice within modern society despite laws and rules including diversity and exclusion, but these do not apply in this circumstance.

To resume our original point of the thread before derailing via a verbose and thought provoking monologue, I will now begin my explanation towards my actions in an attempt to persuade the administrative decision to keep my ban instated or otherwise.

The first point we shall start with won't be as direct as you'd expect, therefore I shall instead begin with my previous record as a moderator on this server. I served as staff diligently on a professional level without a single infraction or issue raised by other staff members, or members of the community for that matter.

After resigning, my activity on the server became considerably reduced, this was due to me having a lack of interest in the server, but I still followed the rules regardless of my position, or to whom I was associating myself with. This was enforced further by my now tarnished record of having only one warning which was for foolishly mocking a fellow user whom was known for roleplaying excessively. The time between this warning being issued and myself being banned, made the ban itself appear absolutely disproportionate, however I did not persuit this via other means due to as previously stated, my interest in the server had diminished, and I had also purchased a mid-naughties Japanese front-wheeled drive yobbo car, namely a Type-R. However, I have recently seen the light in my life and purchased a German engineered performance coupe (who the poster insists is a sedan, however met by fierce opposition from myself) where luxury is prioritised over fuel consumption.

It should be noted that I have served ten months of my exclusion (equivalent to over three-quarters of a solar cycle), with only a handful of months (or just under a quarter of a cycle) to go before I am free from my PERPheads-free jail.

Therefore, I apologise for my actions that I had undertaken on that day, and I would request for myself to be allowed to re-enter.

Kind regards,



Additional Comment(s): Sold as seen.
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